I am the former owner of a computer system company and I have been in the electronics and computer field since 1954. I have been the architect of several major industry first products; complex systems that integrate analog, digital, computational, electromechanical technologies that; in turn, integrate with other complex systems. TREMOREX is a result of integrating; what might appear to be, two disparate disciplines; computer and neural science.
That is why a few years ago, I took an intense interest when Dan held out his hand and asked me to look at it. It had no tremor. He then squatted and quickly stood up. He didn’t lose his balance. His speech was steady and clear. His Parkinson Disease movement disorders were not present.
Dan informed me the arrest of his symptoms was the result of having worked with a power sander. He said “after sanding for 30 minutes switching left to right hands with pressure it greatly reduces my symptoms for 24 hours. I have repeated this 8 times over a two month period with the same results”.
I was taken aback for several reasons. First, the suppression of movement disorders continued for a protracted period following the use of the sander. That ruled out some sort of noise cancellation or damping function. That meant changes to Dan occurred. Second, all movement and apparently cognitive disorders ceased or were substantially reduced. That indicated the effect was systemic; how could the movement in Dan’s arms and upper body affect his face, balance and energy level. Third, there must be something unique about Dan’s experience; else it or something close to it would be a therapy.
I commenced what turned out to be a never ending and all-consuming research project. I located several people with Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor. I had them exercise with a variety of power tools outfitted with fixtures and controls. That lead me to the present experimental model featured in the home page.
There is a considerable amount of work required to optimize TREMOREX and how it is used. That is why I am contacting people that should have significant interest; neurologists, persons with movement disorders and support organizations. Perhaps you’re one of them; perhaps you may wish to participate in this “industry first” innovation. Perhaps you want to make medical history.
“industry first” – “medical history”……..perhaps